Noble Prize Winners

- 14 mins
from IPython.core.display import HTML, Image


import pandas as pd
HTML("<h4>we import the dataset which is in csv format</h4>")

we import the dataset which is in csv format

data_set = pd.read_csv('archive.csv')
HTML("<h4>lets check the length of the dataset</h4>")

lets check the length of the dataset

HTML("<h4>display the first five rows</h4>")

display the first five rows

Year Category Prize Motivation Prize Share Laureate ID Laureate Type Full Name Birth Date Birth City Birth Country Sex Organization Name Organization City Organization Country Death Date Death City Death Country
0 1901 Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1901 "in recognition of the extraordinary services ... 1/1 160 Individual Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff 1852-08-30 Rotterdam Netherlands Male Berlin University Berlin Germany 1911-03-01 Berlin Germany
1 1901 Literature The Nobel Prize in Literature 1901 "in special recognition of his poetic composit... 1/1 569 Individual Sully Prudhomme 1839-03-16 Paris France Male NaN NaN NaN 1907-09-07 Châtenay France
2 1901 Medicine The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1901 "for his work on serum therapy, especially its... 1/1 293 Individual Emil Adolf von Behring 1854-03-15 Hansdorf (Lawice) Prussia (Poland) Male Marburg University Marburg Germany 1917-03-31 Marburg Germany
3 1901 Peace The Nobel Peace Prize 1901 NaN 1/2 462 Individual Jean Henry Dunant 1828-05-08 Geneva Switzerland Male NaN NaN NaN 1910-10-30 Heiden Switzerland
4 1901 Peace The Nobel Peace Prize 1901 NaN 1/2 463 Individual Frédéric Passy 1822-05-20 Paris France Male NaN NaN NaN 1912-06-12 Paris France
HTML("<h4>display the last five rows</h4>")

display the last five rows

Year Category Prize Motivation Prize Share Laureate ID Laureate Type Full Name Birth Date Birth City Birth Country Sex Organization Name Organization City Organization Country Death Date Death City Death Country
964 2016 Medicine The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2016 "for his discoveries of mechanisms for autophagy" 1/1 927 Individual Yoshinori Ohsumi 1945-02-09 Fukuoka Japan Male Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo Japan NaN NaN NaN
965 2016 Peace The Nobel Peace Prize 2016 "for his resolute efforts to bring the country... 1/1 934 Individual Juan Manuel Santos 1951-08-10 Bogotá Colombia Male NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
966 2016 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 "for theoretical discoveries of topological ph... 1/2 928 Individual David J. Thouless 1934-09-21 Bearsden United Kingdom Male University of Washington Seattle, WA United States of America NaN NaN NaN
967 2016 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 "for theoretical discoveries of topological ph... 1/4 929 Individual F. Duncan M. Haldane 1951-09-14 London United Kingdom Male Princeton University Princeton, NJ United States of America NaN NaN NaN
968 2016 Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 "for theoretical discoveries of topological ph... 1/4 930 Individual J. Michael Kosterlitz 1943-06-22 Aberdeen United Kingdom Male Brown University Providence, RI United States of America NaN NaN NaN
HTML("<h4> 10 Countries with the most awards</h4>")

10 Countries with the most awards

data_set['Birth Country'].value_counts().head(10)
United States of America    276
United Kingdom               88
Germany                      70
France                       53
Sweden                       30
Japan                        29
Russia                       20
Netherlands                  19
Italy                        18
Canada                       18
Name: Birth Country, dtype: int64
top10 = data_set['Birth Country'].value_counts().head(10)
HTML("<h4> 10 Countries with the least awards</h4>")

10 Countries with the least awards

data_set['Birth Country'].value_counts().tail(10)
Poland (Lithuania)                          1
British West Indies (Saint Lucia)           1
Venezuela                                   1
Free City of Danzig (Poland)                1
Austria-Hungary (Bosnia and Herzegovina)    1
Austrian Empire (Italy)                     1
Bavaria (Germany)                           1
Ottoman Empire (Turkey)                     1
W&uuml;rttemberg (Germany)                  1
Gold Coast (Ghana)                          1
Name: Birth Country, dtype: int64
HTML("<h4>lets visualize top ten countries with the most awards</h4>")

lets visualize top ten countries with the most awards

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline'ggplot')
def adjust_plot(ax):
    # create a list to collect the plt.patches data
    totals = []
    # find the values and append to list
    for i in ax.patches:
    # set individual bar lables using above list
    total = sum(totals)
    # set individual bar lables using above list
    for i in ax.patches:
        # get_x pulls left or right; get_height pushes up or down
        ax.text(i.get_x()-.03, i.get_height()+.5, \
            str(round((i.get_height()/total)*100, 2))+'%', fontsize=15,



HTML("<h4>lets see the awards in terms of category</h4>")

lets see the awards in terms of category

Medicine      227
Physics       222
Chemistry     194
Peace         130
Literature    113
Economics      83
Name: Category, dtype: int64
HTML("<h4>lets visualize the awards in terms of category</h4>")

lets visualize the awards in terms of category

cat = data_set.Category.value_counts()
ax = cat.plot(kind='bar',figsize=(16,6))


HTML("<h4>lets count the awards in terms of gender</h4>")

lets count the awards in terms of gender

Male      893
Female     50
Name: Sex, dtype: int64
HTML("<h4>lets visualize the awards in terms of gender</h4>")

lets visualize the awards in terms of gender

gender = data_set.Sex.value_counts()
ax = gender.plot(kind='bar',figsize=(10,6))


HTML("<h4>lets check the number of female that have won it from united states</h4>")

lets check the number of female that have won it from united states

us = data_set[data_set['Birth Country'] == 'United States of America']
Male      264
Female     12
Name: Sex, dtype: int64
us_v = us.Sex.value_counts()
ax = us_v.plot(kind='bar')


HTML("<h4>lets analyze the awards in terms of continent</h4>")

lets analyze the awards in terms of continent

contries = data_set['Birth Country'].unique()
array(['Netherlands', 'France', 'Prussia (Poland)', 'Switzerland',
       'Prussia (Germany)', 'Schleswig (Germany)', 'India', 'Sweden',
       'Norway', 'Faroe Islands (Denmark)', 'United Kingdom',
       'Russian Empire (Poland)', 'Scotland', 'Spain', 'Russia', nan,
       'Poland', 'Germany', 'Austrian Empire (Czech Republic)',
       'Hungary (Slovakia)', 'Tuscany (Italy)', 'Italy',
       'United States of America', 'Bavaria (Germany)',
       'British India (India)', 'Austrian Empire (Italy)', 'New Zealand',
       'East Friesland (Germany)', 'Russian Empire (Ukraine)', 'Denmark',
       'Luxembourg', 'Russian Empire (Latvia)', 'Belgium',
       'Hesse-Kassel (Germany)', 'Germany (Russia)',
       'Mecklenburg (Germany)', 'Austria', 'Prussia (Russia)',
       'Australia', 'Austria-Hungary (Slovenia)', 'Ireland', 'Canada',
       'Java, Dutch East Indies (Indonesia)', 'Austrian Empire (Austria)',
       'Germany (Poland)', 'W&uuml;rttemberg (Germany)', 'Argentina',
       'Austria-Hungary (Hungary)', 'Austria-Hungary (Austria)',
       'Austria-Hungary (Croatia)', 'Russian Empire (Finland)',
       'Austria-Hungary (Poland)', 'Chile',
       'Austria-Hungary (Czech Republic)', 'Portugal', 'Japan',
       'South Africa', 'Germany (France)', 'Iceland', 'China',
       'French Algeria (Algeria)', 'Guadeloupe Island', 'Brazil',
       'Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)', 'Bosnia (Bosnia and Herzegovina)',
       'Hungary', 'Russian Empire (Azerbaijan)',
       'Ottoman Empire (Turkey)', 'Egypt',
       'Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russia)',
       'Austria-Hungary (Ukraine)', 'Guatemala',
       'Russian Empire (Belarus)', 'Vietnam', 'Romania',
       'Austria-Hungary (Bosnia and Herzegovina)',
       'Russian Empire (Russia)', 'Northern Ireland',
       'Poland (Lithuania)', 'British West Indies (Saint Lucia)',
       'Crete (Greece)', 'Ottoman Empire (Republic of Macedonia)',
       'India (Pakistan)', 'Russian Empire (Lithuania)', 'Venezuela',
       'Poland (Ukraine)', 'Bulgaria', 'Lithuania', 'Colombia', 'Mexico',
       'Madagascar', 'German-occupied Poland (Poland)', 'Taiwan',
       'Nigeria', 'West Germany (Germany)', 'Korea (South Korea)',
       'Costa Rica', "Tibet (People's Republic of China)",
       'Burma (Myanmar)', 'Saint Lucia', 'Poland (Belarus)',
       'British Mandate of Palestine (Israel)', 'East Timor',
       'Free City of Danzig (Poland)',
       'Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Belarus)', 'Trinidad',
       'Gold Coast (Ghana)', 'Iran',
       'British Protectorate of Palestine (Israel)', 'Kenya', 'Turkey',
       'British India (Bangladesh)', 'Persia (Iran)',
       'Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic)', 'Finland', 'Cyprus', 'Peru',
       'Liberia', 'Yemen', 'Morocco', 'Pakistan', 'Ukraine'], dtype=object)
n_america = ['United States of America','Canada','Costa Rica','Guatemala','Mexico',]
europe = ['Netherlands', 'France', 'Prussia (Poland)', 'Switzerland',
       'Prussia (Germany)', 'Schleswig (Germany)','Sweden'
        'Norway', 'Faroe Islands (Denmark)', 'United Kingdom',
       'Russian Empire (Poland)', 'Scotland', 'Spain', 'Russia',
       'Poland', 'Germany', 'Austrian Empire (Czech Republic)',
       'Hungary (Slovakia)', 'Tuscany (Italy)', 'Italy', 'Bavaria (Germany)',
       'Austrian Empire (Italy)',
       'East Friesland (Germany)', 'Russian Empire (Ukraine)', 'Denmark',
       'Luxembourg', 'Russian Empire (Latvia)', 'Belgium',
       'Hesse-Kassel (Germany)', 'Germany (Russia)',
       'Mecklenburg (Germany)', 'Austria', 'Prussia (Russia)',
       'Austria-Hungary (Slovenia)', 'Ireland', 
        'Austrian Empire (Austria)','Germany (Poland)', 'W&uuml;rttemberg (Germany)', 
       'Austria-Hungary (Hungary)', 'Austria-Hungary (Austria)',
       'Austria-Hungary (Croatia)', 'Russian Empire (Finland)',
       'Austria-Hungary (Poland)', 'Chile',
       'Austria-Hungary (Czech Republic)', 'Portugal', 
        'Germany (France)', 'Iceland','Guadeloupe Island','Bosnia (Bosnia and Herzegovina)',
       'Hungary', 'Russian Empire (Azerbaijan)',
       'Ottoman Empire (Turkey)', 
       'Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russia)',
       'Austria-Hungary (Ukraine)', 
       'Russian Empire (Belarus)', 'Romania',
       'Austria-Hungary (Bosnia and Herzegovina)',
       'Russian Empire (Russia)', 'Northern Ireland',
       'Poland (Lithuania)', 'British West Indies (Saint Lucia)',
       'Crete (Greece)', 'Ottoman Empire (Republic of Macedonia)',
        'Russian Empire (Lithuania)',
       'Poland (Ukraine)', 'Bulgaria', 'Lithuania', 
       'Madagascar', 'German-occupied Poland (Poland)','West Germany (Germany)', 
       'Saint Lucia', 'Poland (Belarus)', 'East Timor',
       'Free City of Danzig (Poland)','Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Belarus)',
       'British Protectorate of Palestine (Israel)', 'Turkey',
        'Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic)', 'Finland', 'Cyprus',
         'Pakistan', 'Ukraine']
africa = ['Egypt','South Africa','Morocco','Liberia','Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)',
          'Gold Coast (Ghana)', 'Kenya','Nigeria','French Algeria (Algeria)',]
asia = ['Japan','China','India','British Mandate of Palestine (Israel)'
        'British India (Bangladesh)','Korea (South Korea)','Iran','India (Pakistan)',
        'British India (India)','Yemen',"Tibet (People's Republic of China)",
        'Java, Dutch East Indies (Indonesia)','Taiwan','Persia (Iran)','Burma (Myanmar)',
s_america = ['Trinidad','Venezuela','Brazil', 'Argentina','Peru','Colombia']
oceania = ['New Zealand', 'Australia']
continent = {
def cont(val):
    if val in continent['n_america']:
        return 'North Anmerica'
    if val in continent['africa']:
        return 'Africa'
    if val in continent['asia']:
        return 'Asia'
    if val in continent['oceania']:
        return 'Oceania'
    if val in continent['s_america']:
        return 'South America'
    return 'Europe' ## this is for europe
data_set['contNumber'] = data_set['Birth Country'].apply(cont)
cotin = data_set.contNumber.value_counts()
ax = cotin.plot(kind='bar',figsize=(15,6))


Mustapha Omotosho

Mustapha Omotosho

constant learner,machine learning enthusiast,huge Barcelona fan

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